Have you ever felt inadequate? Like you don't have what it takes to fulfill that dream in your heart? I know everyone has a dream, but I also know there are only a small number of people who fulfill it. Why? Why haven't you gone for your dream, your passion?
I have definitely felt inadequate and simply not good enough to fulfill my dream of becoming a physician. God has placed this passion for medicine on my heart, but still I freeze in fear. Fear that I'm not smart enough, fear that I won't make good enough grades, fear that I won't be able to remember all of the information it takes to be a good physician. But why? It wasn't until I read about someone else who was in the same situation that my perspective changed. In Exodus, God calls Moses to go to Egypt and free the Israelites. Moses responds "But why me? What makes you think that I could ever go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?". Moses believes he is not qualified for the job. It's so funny because he is pleading and explaining to God that he doesn't speak well. God answers "And who do you think made the human mouth?" God did! God is probably thinking Moses is crazy because God created his mouth, so why wouldn't Moses be able to "speak well"? One of my favorite quotes from Robert Madu is "Other people don't see what's inside of you because they didn't put it inside of you", and I think the same thing can be applied to our own perspectives. We don't know what we're capable of doing, only God does.
The first thing God does is remind Moses that He created him, so He knows better than anyone what Moses is capable of. Then, He explains to Moses that it is not about him, as if what God was calling us to do had anything to do with us! Haha! How self centered have I been to believe that my passion has to do with me? This is so funny to me, because it's true! God putting the passion of medicine on my heart doesn't have anything to do with me, it has to do with the people God wants to reach through me! So why should we fear? If God has put a passion on your heart, He does it because he wants to reach people through you, and you can be confident in that! If God has called us to do it, then there is need in the world. God is a God of overabundance, He has shown time and time again that He will not only provide what we need, but He will give us more than enough! In fact, just like the feeding of the five thousand, God exposed the disciples limits of faith and then bursts through those limits to leave the ones full of doubt holding the leftovers of His extravagant more than enough! This is exactly why we can take confidence in the passion God has set on our hearts. We don't have to live in fear anymore because God is constantly reminding us that He will provide. All He is doing is waiting for us to believe that He is capable, He is waiting for us to change our perspectives from what we don't have to what He does have.
I will not be worried by my grades or wondering if I'm smart enough, because I know now that I don't have to be. God will give me an overabundance so I can succeed, just as He did for the five thousand. What passion has God placed on your heart? The thing that keeps you up at night, your mind turning from the possibilities your passion may provide? Whatever your God given passion may be, I pray that you can step into it knowing that God will provide you with the things needed to fulfill it.